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It’s no secret that vaccine hesitancy is at an all time high, even among many physicians and scientists. Cutting Edge Conscious Media,, Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians. Is it not in the best interest of Eurosurveillance to retract this paper? We grow produce typically flown into Singapore and Kuala Lumpur from Europe or Australia. 29 States Just Banned Laws About Seeds Ag giants like Monsanto and DuPont are cheering. That freaked me out. Even worse, it will reduce the choice available to large farmers as well. It should not apply at all to seed used by home gardeners and small market growers. Submit. He said on his planet, the weather never varied. Best Heirloom Seeds. Other Doubts That’ve Been Expressed About PCR Testing. Request our free heirloom seed catalog. If I’m asking the wrong question, what is a better question?”. He was small in stature. Their goal is usually to promote garden biodiversity, utilizing of rare heirlooms, and the histories behind these seeds. Why Grow Heirloom Seeds. Recently, she mentioned that she cannot find any of the heirloom seeds in the market, and the seeds that she can find don’t produce vegetables that you can regrow. Then there’s the “Guide to COVID-19 Vaccine Communications,” developed by the University of Florida and the United Nations that aims to help governments improve COVID vaccine uptake. Up front, this can seem like a point of pain. Heirloom Seeds. Vegetable Seeds for Gardening, 15 Heirloom Seed Varieties Included in This Grow Your Own Vegetable Kit, The Trees Bees & Seeds Co. 4.7 out of 5 stars 339. No. I turned around and began the journey back again. They also sell certified organic plants on-site. A number of everyday citizens have also come forward expressing their doubts, including some high profile people like Elon Musk for example. Hi, I am paul, writer of this blog or in english . Stop the prohibition of Nature! This law was written for the needs of the globalized farm seed industry, who supply seed by the ton to industrial farmers. I thought it was best to keep quiet so I never told them about the star man. I held my breath when I turned the key in the ignition, and fortunately the engine came to life on the first try. Experts say that’s risky.”, The coronavirus vaccine frontrunners — Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca — are expected to make their debut in January. He stood in the middle of the road an told me he was cold and it was my fault. One minute he was standing in the middle of the road, the next minute he was inside the cab with me. We used to be able to sell ‘Amateur’ varieties of vegetable seed, so home growers could buy seed that big farmers wouldn’t be interested in, but that has been abolished. Artichokes & Cardoon. I highly recommend watching the following documentaries, which you can find on line for free or just a few dollars: 1) The Future of Food 2) Genetic Roulette. We have everything you need to know to grow vegetable seeds and plants, perfect for your home and garden. Once the seeds are gel-free, it’s the time to dry them. Heirloom brings us back to a day of raw and pure. According to The Real Seed Catalogue, “Under the new law, it will immediately be illegal to grow, reproduce or trade any vegetable seed or tree that has not been tested, approved and accepted by a new ‘EU Plant Variety Agency’. It should not apply to seed used by home gardeners and small market growers, who have very different needs. ID. I've never bought from seedo (dutch website) was wondering if anyone ever did and what are your thoughts? We call for a total exemption from the law for seed supplied in small packets directly to individual consumers.”, European Union heirloom seeds Plant Reproductive Material Law. Availability: In stock . DG SANCO is pushing ahead anyway by placing it before the Commission directly. It was a halfway inn consisting of a bar, restaurant, and gift shop. Below is an article that was recently published Jeremy Loffredo, a reporter for The Defender. Reluctantly he came inside, but not like you and I would climb inside. Asparagus. This thread is archived. Seed-preemption laws have been adopted in 29 states, including Oregon — one of the world’s top five seed-producing regions — California, Iowa, and Colorado. Members. Leaves have purple tinge and flowers are pretty’. Tomato Hillbilly Disease Resistant 10 seeds. A recent Gallup poll showed that only 58% of Americans plan on getting the COVID vaccine when it’s available. Within seconds, I saw him in front of the craft. Anyone wants to share a few? The article was titled Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t. With over 50 years of experience, Chase produce all their seed organically with no chemicals used before or after harvest. Flower Seeds; Herb Seeds; Tree, Shrub & Hedge Seeds; Veg Seeds; Seeds for Nature; Pioneer Seeds ; Flower Seeds. If you love to grow plants from seed this is the category for you with some gorgeous seeds from Europe and from my own garden. After he was gone I thought of a million questions, but when you are there and it is happening to you, it is different. He was outside when I came upon the craft. I was lost for words. Enjoy old-fashioned flavours and heritage varieties with our heirloom vegetable seeds. All in all, at this point we know what has been denied for decades, UFOs are real. The Cottage Gardener is an heirloom seed-house and plant nursery that provides rare and endangered heirloom varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, The online catalog has over 700 heirloom seed varieties available. When a gardener or seed breeder raises open pollinated plants, she has to keep pollen from other related varieties from entering the patch (generally accomplished with distance from the other variety). The star man suddenly disappeared. I offered him to come inside my snow plow but he wanted nothing to do with it. Seed saving organizations are slightly different from seed companies. It seems we have to look at what holds us back. There’s no way to register the varieties suitable for home use as they don’t meet the strict criteria of the Plant Variety Agency, which is only concerned about approving the sort of seed used by industrial farmers. save hide report. Heritage Harvest Seed specializes in rare and endangered heirloom seeds. Many of our Heirloom varieties are outstanding for commercial growers. The Cherokee Nation Heirloom Garden and Native Plant Site began its annual distribution of heirloom seeds to any Cherokee citizen who requests them starting on … “It’s the largest volume of orders we have seen,” said Jere Gettle of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Mansfield, Mo. It also very worrying that they have given themselves the power to regulate and license any plant species of any sort at all in the future – not just agricultural plants, but grasses, mosses, flowers, anything at all – without having to bring it back to the Council for a vote. Baker Creek also carries one of the largest selections of seeds from the 19th century, including many Asian and European varieties. You can also meet and chat with like minds! watch list. Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw has been researching the Star People, and collecting encounters between them and Native Indians for many years. The trouble we seem to be having is determining how to communicate about COVID, the fears we have around it, and how to come together as a community to ‘draw a line’ as to when we may be taking things too far. How many Covid diagnoses are false positives? False negatives – that is, a test that says you don’t have the virus when you actually do have the virus – may occur. An October poll conducted by Zogby found that nearly 50% of Americans have concerns about the safety of the coming COVID vaccines. Amazon's Choice for "heirloom seeds" 13400Pcs Seeds 33 Vegetable/Fruit Variety Garden Pack Emergency Survival Kit Food (13400PC, Vegetable) 4.6 out of 5 stars 20. The Bulgarian Pathology Association claims that PCR tests are “scientific meaningless” to detect COVID-19. Fryhofer, who explained that both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID vaccines require two doses, worries that her patients might not come back for a second dose after experiencing potentially unpleasant side effects after the first shot. He said they should spend their energy on studying the use of magnetic propulsion for travel. Those who want to stay inside, wear masks and shut down their businesses for example, should have the option of doing that and those that don’t should have the option of doing that as well. On the return trip, the spacecraft appeared again, in the middle of the road at the exact same spot as I encountered it earlier. For each book sold, 8 euros are devoted to our "seed programme" in Asia, South-America and Africa. Did you know that crop circles are actually real? It ran across the road into the woods. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. At the end of the day, we need to try and understand someone who does not share the same perspective as we do, and they should do the same without getting worked up. For industrial-scale agriculture, the law will only allow new varieties of vegetable if they are tested and proven to be better than ones currently in use. Corn is not only a popular food, but the foundation of many by-products including bourbon, corn flour, cornmeal, corn oil, cornstarch, corn syrup, corn whiskey and laundry starch. SOW: Feb - May, Oct, Nov. The reported rate of false negatives is as low as 2% and as high as 37%. I understand this is to protect the business of big agri-companies, but registration and testing should be voluntary for all non GMO, non-patented and non hybrid seed. by Healthy Holistic Living Published on January 1, 2017 The Best Heirloom Seeds Companies in America, Canada, The UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Mandy’s Greenhouse . This is an instance of bureaucracy out of control. They set down in the middle of the road only momentarily for repairs. As far back as 2007, Gina Kolata published an article in the New York times about how declaring virus pandemics based on PCR tests can end in a disaster. They had not expected anyone to appear in the middle of the storm. These are the best heirloom seed companies all over the world. Back when UFOs were still considered a “conspiracy theory” there was ample evidence clearly showing that they were indeed real. November 7, 2012 at 10:43am Reply Clarke: I recognized the place that he was talking about. Back to Top . What’s even more disturbing is that all heirloom seeds will be criminalized. • Register account. All Seeds are non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties. In the Portuguese appeal hearing, Jaafar et al. The seeds themselves are still non-GMO and heirloom and they can be saved at the end of the harvest and resown next season, but you are still giving money to Monsanto. Organic gardening, before organic was a thing, back when nature was allowed to take its own course. It was round with bright orange lights around the bottom. In the process they violated several rules of their travel. Published. However, DG AGRI (Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development) and DGENVI (Directorate General for the Environment), two other EU directorates, both oppose the proposed legislation. I would be lying to you if I said it didn’t scare me. I’ve shared stories from her book before in the articles linked below: Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians (Continued), Indigenous Elders Share Stories About “Star People” Living Inside The Earth, The book is filled with many interesting encounters, in one of the chapters, she describes a story told to her by an Alaskan Native, who apparently “came upon an alien in the middle of the road during a blizzard. I tried calling Bill, but my radio was dead. Heirloom fruits and vegetables are also known to be more nutritious. Heirloom tomato Hillbilly produces orange yellow coloured beefsteak fruits with red and pink [...] Price £1.85. The false positive rate – that is, how often the test says you have the virus when you actually do not – should be close to zero. I had no intentions of following it. Quality heirloom vegetable seeds. £2.25 Add to Basket. EU Commission To Ban Heirloom Seeds and Criminalize Any Not Registered With Gov't. Pcs. 5 years ago. It goes into details about vaccine hesitancy among health professionals when it comes to the new COVID vaccines that are about to hit the market. Is Raab implying a 93 percent false positive rate? There are so many odd ‘things’ happening with this pandemic in terms of information that completely contradicts other information, not only with regards to the testing to detect the virus, but with regards to the severity of the virus as well. Are we alone? All this new law does is create a whole new raft of EU civil servants being paid to move mountains of papers round all day, while killing off the seed supply to home gardeners and interfering with the right of farmers to grow what they want. He was curious and had gone outside to do some testing of the snow. I had not reported it either and neither had Ed, the other driver. Using the same test and the same nurse, he received two positive results and two negative results, causing him to state his belief that “something bogus” is going on here. I left out most of what Clarke asked and focused on key quotes from Ross describing the encounter: Ross: My partner comes from the south. Here’s Why 19 Countries In Europe Just Completely Banned Genetically Modified Crops. We obtained seeds from the Southern Seed Exchange (#723). What would happen if humans were more in touch with the essence that is observing the thoughts we individually have, as opposed to just identifying with the thoughts? Beans. Password. For example, the WHO, which named “vaccine hesitancy” as the top global public health threat, has hired the PR firm Hill + Knowlton to identify micro-influencers, macro-influencers and “hidden heroes” on social media who could covertly promote the organization’s image as a COVID authority in order to “ensure WHO’s advice and guidance is followed.”, Cass Sunstein, the chairman of WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Behavioral Insights, recently wrote an article in Bloomberg in which he promoted the use of popular celebrities, athletes and actors as tools for vaccine persuasion against those who “lack vaccine confidence.”. About Us › About Us. In 2013-15 the EU tried to bring in a law that would have banned many home garden seeds. They seem to understand that enactment of this law will be a death knell for agriculture and biodiversity. Ben Gabel, director of The Real Seed Catalogue and vegetable breeder, concluded their press release of this issue with the following statement: “This law will immediately stop the development of vegetable varieties for home gardeners, organic growers, and small-scale market farmers. About us ... A place to share your heirloom seeds, produce, growing tips, and anything else related to growing heirloom flowers or produce. You can read more about that and dive a little deeper in an article I recently published about mainstream UFO coverage, here. He had never experienced snow before or the extreme cold. Others, who are just as “renowned” with similar credentials are claiming that these tests are extremely accurate. It will be illegal to grow, reproduce, or trade any vegetable seed or tree that has not been been tested and approved by the government, more specifically the “EU Plant Variety Agency.” This agency will be responsible for making a list of approved plants and an annual fee must also be forwarded to the agency if growers would like to keep what they grow on the list. How To Get Rid Of Stinkbugs In Your Home And Garden, Garlic Planting Secrets Of Fall Gardeners, ‘When Should I Pick It?’ — Vegetable Harvesting Essentials, Making Bread Without An Oven – The Pioneer Way, Overlooked Repair Parts That Smart Preppers Stockpile. Why is information about vaccines sometimes labeled by the mainstream as an "anti-vax conspiracy theory?" Online. I put in in gear and began to move forward. Pcs. share. As details on the latest COVID vaccine contenders flood the news cycle on a daily basis, reports of concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine are widespread among many demographics, even including the professional medical community. He paused and then a smile crossed his face. The false positive rate is very high, so only seven percent of tests will be successful in identifying those that actually have the virus. Now heirloom seeds are under threat from EU regulations HARD on the heels of Royal Horticulture Society concerns over European Union rules on importing non-native plants come fears that it … I told him I had to clear the roads and I could not leave him outside in the cold. Do governments actually execute the will of the people? First, heirlooms are generally known to produce better taste and flavor. Sort: A-Z Price New; Popular; 1; 2; Next; £2.40 Add to Basket. Heirloom Corn Seeds Throughout Europe, "corn" has always been the generic name for any of the cereal grains; Europeans call corn maize, a derivative of the early American Indian word mahiz. Look for the carrot for the Annie's Favorites. Changer Refresh Show Cart Checkout. Seed savers strive to harvest non-GMO heirloom seeds in an effort to maintain … His ability to appear and disappear fascinated me. Respiratory viruses kill tens of millions and infect hundreds of millions every single year, it’s not out of the box to treat this virus as we do all others, but that’s just my opinion, what’s yours? There’s no way to register the varieties suitable for home use as they don’t meet the strict criteria of the PLant Variety Agency, which is only concerned about approving the sort of seed used by industrial farmers – Ben Gabel, Director of The Real Seed Catalogue. Seventy-six percent of the vaccine-hesitant healthcare workers cited the “fast-tracked vaccine development” as a primary reason for their concerns. He said I could do it, too. Huge protests have put it on hold for now but it will come back. According to, “If passed [this law] would mean no seed can be sold, or potentially even given for free, to anyone anywhere in the EU unless it is registered on the EU Plant List as an ‘approved’ variety. They plan instead on reviewing the data once it’s widely administered and proven safe. As I tited the string of my parka under my chin, I saw a hand reach upward and pound on the side window. Visit their site. It was recently banned by Vimeo. The new law basically puts the government in charge of all plants and seeds in Europe, and prevents home gardeners from growing their own plants from non-regulated seeds. The roads were covered with another four inches of snow. Heirloom Vegetables. He told me the craft had malfunctioned. The Terminator - and related genetic seed sterilization technology - has been banned from the crop breeding programs of the world's largest international agricultural research network. The Big Ag seed industry has been lobbying for years for these regulations, and DG SANCO (the Directorate General of the EU for Sanitary and Consumer Affairs) is fully on board with the proposed legislation. These seeds are a beige colour, slightly mottled in appearance, and a plump seed. Here at Annie's we LOVE heirlooms! We drive up and back over that stretch of the highway keeping the roads clear. Keeping all of this in mind, our recommendation is that you should definitely choose to grow heirloom garden seeds if you have the time and patience (and a true love of historical gardening). Home gardeners have really different needs – for example they grow by hand, not machine, and can’t or don’t want to use such powerful chemical sprays. You can read the entire paper and the evidence behind their reasoning, here. Dry The Seeds. The publication claims that the RT-qPCR tests used for detecting COVID-19 is quite robust and a useful tool, but the independent publication presents a number of scientific and methodological “blemishes” that has them confident “that the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no other choice but to retract the publication.”. £22.90 £ 22. All of this being said, there is also a scientific consensus that infection cases are much higher and comparable to other respiratory viruses for example that already infect hundreds of millions a year, and that the survival rate for people under 70 is 99.95 percent. The price per seed for these varieties is a little higher, as is typical of European seed. The pharmaceutical giants have exponentially accelerated the average safety and review timeline for vaccine development and production, to get the vaccines to market in under a year. The new law basically puts the government in charge of all plants and seeds in Europe, and prevents home gardeners from growing their own plants from non-regulated seeds. She is referenced, as you can see, by the authors in the study above. This move has sparked a heavy opposition from many, saying that the measure will threaten seed diversity and favour large agrochemical businesses. BANNED: European Union To Outlaw Heirloom Seeds? I enjoy writing as well as working in my permaculture vegetable garden. According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a group of medical experts who advise the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fears surrounding the painful or harmful side-effects of the COVID vaccine are rooted in reality. He asked if I saw it. Cart. Freely reproducible seeds should be a human right, they are part of our heritage. Share ; Tweet; The global resistance against Genetically Modified Crops is growing at an exponential rate. I stopped within 20 feet of it. Before I had a chance to respond, I came upon a disk sitting in the middle of the highway. You can also read more about it on the website of “The Institute of Responsible Technology” Reply. In the face of all the tremendous PCR-protocol design flaws and errors described here, we concluded: There is not much of a choice left in the framework of scientific integrity and responsibility. This new law creates new powers to classify and regulate all plant life anywhere in Europe. Tomato Hillbilly Disease Resistant 10 seeds. 3. A huge selection of heirloom seeds for sale. Check out our heirloom seeds selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our other greenery shops. The European Commission is changing the European Union’s plant legislation, apparently to enhance food safety across the continent. He had a human form, but he wasn’t human. Aluminum, for example, seems to be a concern. Poppy seeds are basically something related to Opium, and a little bit of Morphine. ~~A DIY girls adventures in life and her garden.~~ I use only heirloom, non-gmo seeds for the healthiest garden I can grow! You can read more about that story here. Heirloom varieties are a some of our favorites to grow and the most delicious! The draft text of the law has already been changed several times due to a large backlash from gardeners. To see some extracts - This book is available in our shop. However, ownership notwithstanding, you should know that Seeds of Change offers 100% certified organic open-pollinated, hybrid and heirloom seeds, and they grow all their own seeds on their research farm or within their network of organic farmers. The only way to have true heirloom seeds is to find some seeds that have been stored for 50 years. That’s a huge problem, because to this day any study I’ve seen… still, the most trusted person on any study I’ve seen globally is the health care provider…. . Huge protests have put it on hold for now but it will come back. Freely reproducible seeds should be a human right, they are part of our heritage. I just wanted to provide a brief background as to why there is so much controversy out there regarding COVID-19 testing and false positives. So many doctors, scientists, researchers and even politicians  are providing evidence and claiming that these tests are going to have a very high false positive rate. The trend of growing heirloom plants in gardens has been returning in popularity in North America and Europe. Unfortunately, most people don’t actually research the subject and this often leads them to think there is no real evidence, and even report that to be the case. It covered the full two lanes. I thought it might be something from the space-craft. I swear to you. Sometimes more. A New Seed Law will go before the EU commissioners on May 6th 2013. Following the publicizing of this proposed law, a huge outcry from consumer groups, small farmers, and gene banks forced last-minute alterations to the legislation, allowing home gardeners (but not farmers) to give each other seed for free without breaking the law. According to Dr. Matthew Oughton, an infectious diseases specialist at the McGill University Health Centre and the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal: ”The rate of false positives with this particular test is quite low. Hawthorn Farm Organic Seeds . It was at that moment I realized my engine was off. If there are any seeds you desperately want please email me at and I'll do my utmost to source them for you. As a customer, member, or donor, you help us save America’s heirloom seeds. The authors of the guide promote the tactic of covertly using trusted community leaders to help with pro-vaccine information. Heirloom Seeds; Heirloom Seeds. Welcome to Succeed Heirlooms, an Australian online seed store offering a wide range of traditional, open-pollinated heirloom vegetable seeds, flower seeds and herb seeds. Especially when such a large majority, or minority, do not agree? Heirlooms Preserve Biodiversity Why are we being discouraged to ask certain questions and share certain information that calls into question the official mainstream narrative about this pandemic? Our state of being when communicating is of utmost importance. Our seeds allow you to plant enough fruits & vegetables to ensure your survival. Forgotten password? Written by: Hanne Moon Current Events, Survival Gardening May 6, 2013 10 Comments.WP-PrintIcon{margin-bottom:-3px} Print This Article. Mainstream media coverage of the UFO topic is a deep discussion, and it’s a topic, like everything else, where the ‘powerful interests’, for lack of a better word, will no doubt try and control the narrative and shape our perception of this reality. This is foolish, often you don’t discover the benefits of a new variety until you’ve been growing it for several years, for example when a new disease comes along that it turns out to be resistant to. I flipped my lights up and down. They didn’t realize it was a highway because of the storm. This has actually been observed for a while. Details. All the banned seeds will still exist in the deep-frozen vaults of seed banks in one part of the world or another. Every year you have to buy seeds anew. The next question now is, what are they and who’s manning them? I watched until it was out of sight, but that was not long because the storm cut the visibility that night to nearly zero. I understand this is to protect the business of big agri-companies, but registration and testing should be voluntary for all non GMO, non-patented and non hybrid seed. Just think of all that would change when we consider not only the existence of off-world civilizations but also the technology they use to get here. That produce takes 7-10 days from harvest to reach the restaurant, if not longer. Citing vaccine hesitancy among the African American community, the guide suggests that barber shops and hair salons in predominantly black neighborhoods might be tapped to help disseminate approved vaccine messaging. Of course, my boss told him there were no reports. Tomato seeds Heirloom Mix a mixture of large and meaty heritage tomatoes, great tasting tomatoes of [...] Price £1.35. Then a second hand appeared. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab stated that. I will check out Clarissa. Somehow I understood that it was cold and needed a place of shelter.
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