Under the UN Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), it is the International Seabed Authority (ISA) that authorizes exploration and exploitation claims for mineral resources in international waters and has the general obligation to protect the marine environment from harmful effects of mining. U.Ki. 59, 1510–1528. doi: 10.2307/1939379, Mottl, M. J., Seewald, J. S., Wheat, C. G., Tivey, M. K., Michael, P. J., Proskurowski, G., et al. Lett. Philos. A key difference is the relatively lower rate of delivery of reduced compounds at seeps. Models of populations and communities have shown that a distribution of dispersal distances, and not just the mean dispersal distance, is essential for explaining recruitment patterns, range expansion rates, genetic structure, and metapopulation dynamics (reviewed in Levin et al., 2003). Toward a dynamic metacommunity approach to marine reserve theory. PLoS ONE 7:e38521. Dispersal ability and environmental adaptability of deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus (Mytilidae: Bathymodiolinae). Sci., 21 February 2018 In contrast, the microbiome of the recently extinct chimney (M-vent), was largely composed of heterotrophs from various bacterial phyla, including, sulfides and/or iron oxidation coupled to nitrate reduction to fix carbon through the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB), cycle. For the Wood-Ljungdahl (WL) pathway, genes, encoding for the delta subunit of the archaeal, acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase complex (, in the pie charts represent percentages of each taxonomic unit in class level, which are estimated based on the full-length 16S rRNA genes, retrieved from the two metagenomes. Geophys. 11:372. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-11-372, Thomson, R. E., Mihály, S. F., Rabinovich, A. Deep Sea Res. Despite the evident advantages of coalescent approaches over traditional F-statistics, the migration estimates obtained through many of these approaches are considered long-term because of necessary equilibrium assumptions over the last ~4Ne generations (i.e., average time to coalescence). After volcanic eruptions at the JFR, grazing polychaetes colonized new vents, followed by the tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.0205, Levin, L. A., Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G. F., Bertics, V. J., Washington, T., Gonzalez, J., et al. Natl. PLoS ONE 5:e12321. 2010;26:715, groups that shape the dissimilatory sulfur cycle. “Reducing environments of the deep-sea floor,” in Ecosystems of the World: The Deep Sea, ed P. A. Tyler (Amsterdam: Elsevier), 81–110. J. J Geophys Res Solid Earth. [Conclusion] Bin189 very likely is a kind of novel heterotrophic Epsilonproteobacteria detected in the deep sea hydrothermal environments, whereas the other three chemoautotrophic taxa are capable of oxidizing diverse reduced sulfur compounds and hydrogen as energy source. Aquat. Here, a combination of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches was utilized to understand the, Metal‐sulfides are wide‐spread in marine benthic habitats. (2016). Mar. Rev. Deep Sea Res. Patches can be colonized by individuals originating in any other patch; the only spatial scales that appear are the local patch scale and the metapopulation scale. doi: 10.1029/2008GC001978, Sahling, H., Rickert, D., Lee, R. W., Linke, P., and Suess, E. (2002). 2. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. It is well known that long-distance dispersal can increase metapopulation survival, as dispersers provide a rescue effect that counteracts local extinctions (reviewed in Briggs and Hoopes, 2004). Hydrothermal chimneys are a globally dispersed habitat on the seafloor associated with mid-ocean ridge (MOR) spreading centers. They can be transported over greater distances by shallower, directional ocean currents (e.g., deep penetration of western boundary currents). (2017). JSS, measured and provided the chemical data. Oceanography 23, 90–103. Where these fluids mix with oxygenated seawater, they support lush communities fueled by microbial chemoautotrophy. Local environmental conditions in vent habitats can be extreme and variable, and exert a strong influence on species occurrence. Phylogenetic analysis, along with 5 additional MAGs either from inactive sul-, fide chimneys or subseafloor massive sulfides (SMS, part of a separate clade (Additional file, split into two distinct lineages with long phylogenetic, to reclassify this phylum. Mar. In some cases, an ecosystem may be so drastically disturbed that it passes a critical threshold or tipping point and becomes unlikely to recover to the original state (e.g., Lotze et al., 2011). chrome c oxidase genes could find in Table S7. Competitive exclusion or changes in larval supply may have led, for example, to replacement of the pioneer limpet Lepetodrilus tevnianus by its congener L. elevatus unrelated to changes in fluid flow (Mullineaux et al., 2012; Gollner et al., 2015). Sulfide is widespread in non-seep organic-rich sediments on margins, and many background species adapted to these conditions can occur at weakly seeping sites (Bell et al., 2016). The island model is similar to a metapopulation model in that it assumes a set of spatially distinct populations connected via dispersal. fixation and 16S tags of the transcriptome in incubation experiments. Syst. doi: 10.1038/35075063, Marsh, L., Copley, J. T., Huvenne, V. A., Linse, K., Reid, W. D., Rogers, A. D., et al. Finally, we evaluate whether and how the metacommunity concept can be used to predict resilience in these systems, defined here as the ability to maintain or recover overall function and structure in the face of natural and human disturbance. J. Geophys. Observed velocities over seamounts (Eriksen, 1991) and in saddles on seamount chains (Thurnherr and St. Laurent, 2011) are often significantly elevated compared to the open ocean, with important implications for dispersal. IMPORTANCE Iron oxides are important components of our soil, water supplies, and ecosystems, as they sequester nutrients, carbon, and metals. Hanski, I. Oceans 115:C12073. levels typical of high-temperature hot springs at EPR. Furthermore, we also connected Pfam entries to the Sequence Ontology (SO) through mapping of the Pfam type definitions to SO terms. J. Linnean Soc. In the active chimney (L-vent), sulfide- and/or hydrogen-oxidizing Campylobacteria and Aquificae with the potential for denitrification were identified as the dominant community members and primary producers, fixing carbon through the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle. Species evolving in seep settings may have long larval lifespans, slower growth/greater longevity, or ability to settle at sulfidic sediments. 25, 1073–1088. Methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation through methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) as a key enzyme have been suggested to be basal pathways of archaea ¹ . 2016;7:986. single-cell and metagenomic sequencing data with highly uneven depth. Employ an accessible, updatable scientific information database that identifies and characterizes all known vent sites. Population connectivity and genetic diversity are influenced by historical factors such as vicariance, range and/or demographic expansion through dispersal, and introgressive hybridization (backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species), both in mid-ocean ridge and arc-backarc systems (Young et al., 2008; Plouviez et al., 2009; Johnson et al., 2014; Yahagi et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2015; Jang et al., 2016). Detecting the influence of initial pioneers on succession at deep-sea vents. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04789.x, Wang, J. Regional setting of hydrothermal activity. rTCA, reverse citric acid cycle; CBB, Calvin-BensonBassham pathway; WL, Wood-Ljungdahl pathway; DNRA, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia pathway; DSR, dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway. doi: 10.1029/98JC00146, Luther, G. W., Rozan, T. F., Taillefert, M., Nuzzio, D. B., Di Meo, C., Shank, T. M., et al. SM, Simon J, Campbell BJ, Hanson TE, et al. In both marine and terrestrial systems, it is becoming clear that understanding resilience to disturbance requires investigation of dispersal in addition to local influences, as demonstrated by field studies in estuaries (Thrush et al., 2008), forests (Bloch et al., 2007), and streams (Campbell et al., 2015). While several studies have investigated the microbial diversity in, both active and inactive sulfide chimneys that have been extinct for up to thousands of years, little is known about, chimneys that have ceased activity more recently, as well as the microbial succession occurring during the. doi: 10.1201/9781420037449.ch1, Levin, L. A., Baco, A. R., Bowden, D. A., Colaco, A., Cordes, E. E., Cunha, M. R., et al. Please note that these rights do not automatically extend to content, data or other material published by Springer Nature that may be licensed, If you would like to use or distribute our Springer Nature journal content to a wider audience or on a regular basis or in any other manner not, expressly permitted by these Terms, please contact Springer Nature at, Microbial succession during the transition from active to inactive stages of deep-sea hydrothermal vent sulfide chimneys.pdf, All content in this area was uploaded by Jialin Hou on Jul 01, 2020, Microbial succession during the transition from active to inactive stages of deep-sea hydrothermal vent sulfide ch. Abiotic controls constrain the change of hydrothermal fluid conditions through time, thus determining the presence or absence of symbiotic foundation species that can be mobile (snails, mussels), or sessile (tubeworms). Once again, these strategies can be incorporated into metacommunity models to test general hypotheses about the relative importance of reproductive strategies and fecundity on community characteristics, such as resilience, under different disturbance regimes. Nature 410, 813–816. 2007;104:12146, A, Indenbirken D, Sander SG, et al. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01668.x, Butterfield, D. A., Nakamura, K., Takano, B., Lilley, M. D., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. For example, chronic eruptive activity on NW Rota (Mariana Arc) results in a very limited vent community of a few wide-dispersing species (Embley et al., 2006), while other volcanoes in the arc foster communities that differ from site to site due to dominant fluid and substratum characteristics (Tunnicliffe et al., 2009; Stevens et al., 2015). Given that chimney structures can be considered SMS analogues, removal of sulfide deposits from the seafloor in the Kairei and Pelagia fields will most likely alter microbial compositions and affect element cycling in the benthic regions and probably beyond. Keywords: East Pacific Rise, Metagenome, Sulfide chimney, Microbial succession, Nitrospirae, Taxonomic composition of microbial communities from the active L-vent chimney (a) and recently inactive M-vent chimney (b). doi: 10.1002/2013GC004998, Beedessee, G., Watanabe, H., Ogura, T., Nemoto, S., Yahagi, T., Nakagawa, S., et al. The interaction between dispersal ability and habitat distribution will determine recolonization potential, with particular sequences of succession dependent on subsequent facilitative or competitive interactions. Oceanogr. Hence, our sediment incubations appeared to simulate environmental conditions well suggesting that sulfide oxidation catalyzed by Sulfurovum members drive biomass synthesis in the volcanic ash sediments. On the EPR, within 5 years of each eruption, rapid and sequential colonizations were observed from white bacterial mats, to the small siboglinid tubeworm Tevnia jerichonana, to the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila, and to the mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus (Shank et al., 1998; Fornari et al., 2012). “Unique geochemistry of submarine hydrothermal fluids from arc-backarc settings of the western Pacific,” in Back-Arc Spreading Systems: Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical Interactions, eds D. M. Christie, C. R. Fisher, S. M. Lee, and S. Givens (Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union), 147–162. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01048.x, Boschen, R. E., Rowden, A. Ann. 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Archaeoglobi WYZ-LMO1 and WYZ-LMO3 and Korarchaeota WYZ-LMO9 encode both the (reverse) methanogenesis and the dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway, suggesting that they have the genomic potential to couple both pathways in individual organisms. Population differentiation among barckarc basins has been also discovered in three basins, Manus, North Fiji, and Lau in species of the family Provannidae (Thaler et al., 2011). Genetics 178, 1491–1504. Megabenthic assemblage structure on three New Zealand seamounts: implications for seafloor massive sulfide mining. Although there is some evidence to support the role of behavior in larval retention at vents, more research is necessary on this topic. U.S.A. 108, E907–E913. Besides, temperature, this is another critical factor in driv, crobial succession at the taxonomic and metabolic level, energy from mineral sulfides through multiple sulfur, oxidation pathways (reverse DSR, Sox system and, (like pyrite and pyrrhotite) likely serves as an alternative, electron donor for these autotrophs. Due to the unpredictable nature of volcanic erup-. GENECLASS2: a software for genetic assignment and first-generation migrant detection. Evolution and biogeography of deep-sea vent and seep invertebrates. In contrast, genes encoding enzymes, ) are significantly enriched in the inactive, Taxonomic composition of microbial communities from the active L-vent chimney (, ) were identified in both L- and M-vent sam-, Abundance comparison of key genes involved in carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur metabolisms between active L-vent chimney and recently. Differences in the chemical composition of vent fluids between vent fields have the potential to affect species occurrence, as do other characteristics, such as substratum type and depth. Undiluted hydrothermal fluids exit the seafloor at temperatures that may exceed 400°C, and often are characterized by low oxygen levels, low pH, and elevated concentrations of toxic metals. Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2003.11.001, Broquet, T., and Petit, E. J. doi: 10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163912, Cottenie, K., Michels, E., Nuytten, N., and DeMeester, L. (2003). the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle. of mining seafloor massive sulfide deposits. 2019;17:271. hydrothermal processes at oceanic spreading centers: John Wiley & Sons; ridge spreading centers. doi: 10.3354/meps293001, Mullineaux, L. S., Peterson, C. H., Micheli, F., and Mills, S. W. (2003). “independent review of the environmental impact statement for the proposed nautilus minerals solwara 1 seabed mining project, Papua New Guinea,” in Report for the Bismarck-Solomon Seas Indigenous Peoples Council (Madang). An ecosystem starts with a handful of species colonizing, or settling down, in a barren environment. (2013). The field observations described in section Field Observations and Synthesis illustrate the types of data available to inform metacommunity analyses at hydrothermal vents. This incredible active hydrothermal vent was imaged for the first time during the 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas expedition. PLoS ONE 8:e81555. Deep Sea Res. Characterized by an intermediate spreading rate, this ridge has a relatively shallow median valley. Mol. (1998). ples, but with distinctly different abundances (Fig. (2005). 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The distances between vent patches and the disturbance rate at vents depend on the magmatic, tectonic and hydrological processes that result in release of hydrothermal fluids (Fornari and Embley, 1995; detail in section Global Patterns of Vent Distributions, Disturbance Frequency, and Longevity). doi: 10.1046/j.1461-0248.2003.00465.x, Urban, M. C. (2004). doi: 10.1029/2008JC005249, Thrush, S. F., Halliday, J., Hewitt, J. E., and Lohrer, A. M. (2008). Ecol. Field observations from various vent systems (and related chemosynthetic habitats) that can inform this effort are presented in section Field Observations and Synthesis, and a set of key questions that are feasible to address are proposed in section Synthesis of Field Observations and Key Questions. In the Brothers hydrothermal fluids Sulfurimonas (49%) and Hydrogenovibrio/Thiomicrospira (15%) species prevailed. Oceanogr. Res. In addition, a, ously recovered from a subsurface massive sulfide (SMS), mon environmental features between recently inactive, chimneys and SMS, such as the preservation of, sulfide minerals that are not yet fully oxidatively weath-, ered by permeating seawater. Mar. Springer Nature journal content, brought to you courtesy of Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH (“Springer Nature”). Background Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are highly productive, yet ephemeral biodiversity hotspots in the deep ocean supported by chemosynthetic microorganisms that play critical roles in the maintenance and development of these extreme ecosystems. 144, 93–117. (2012). This has yielded a model consistent with physiological growth yields and which may help guide future biochemical experiments. Others can reproduce over a short period of time, when the entire population is synchronized, and all larvae are released at the same time. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.004, Marsh, A. G., Mullineaux, L. 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When a local community is embedded in a metacommunity, its dynamics are influenced not only by birth rates, death rates and interactions of populations spawned at the local site, but also by dispersal. Some arc volcanoes “grow and collapse on human timescales” due to frequent eruptions as well as landslides (Schnur et al., 2017). Field studies in vent systems show the potential for limited larval dispersal distances (local retention on scales of kilometers or less), but also provide evidence for occasional long-distance events. Recovery of marine animal populations and ecosystems. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. J. Geophys. The functional capacities of communities inhabiting this dynamic habitat are largely unknown. The specific key genes and completeness definition involved in each metabolic pathway could find in Additional file 2: Table S7, Concentrations of selected aqueous species in M-vent and L-vent fluids and seawater, Phylogeny of 173 high-quality MAGs recovered from active L-vent chimney and recently inactive M-vent chimney. Species interactions, such as facilitation or competition, between long-distance colonists and later arrivers during post-disturbance colonization may then influence species composition at individual sites and diversity in the metacommunity, particularly if the dispersers trigger alternative states at disturbed sites. Hydrothermal Vent. Ecol. 173 high-quality metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) were retrieved for comparative analysis. Considering the wide distribution of these gammaproteobacterial clades in marine environments such as hydrothermal vents and sediments, microbially accelerated neutrophilic mineral oxidation might be a globally relevant process in benthic element cycling and a considerable energy source for carbon fixation in marine benthic habitats. 2014;5: variations on a common function. The studies have led to a series of discoveries of common or varying geographical subdivisions among diverse vent taxa, which, in turn, have deepened our understanding about the effect of several environmental (e.g., geomorphology of oceanic ridges, spatial and temporal stability of vent habitats, and deep-sea currents) and biological (e.g., species-specific life histories, larval duration, motility and behavior) factors on the connectivity of vent metapopulations (reviewed in Vrijenhoek, 2010). Species composition may vary between vent sites that share a similar geological setting but differ in the extent of sub-seafloor mixing of vent fluids with seawater. Interactions can also affect local extinction if colonizers displace resident species. The second is that the spatial arrangement of patches is not important. The reported return times for vent communities destroyed by eruptions on the EPR and Juan de Fuca to approach pre-eruption diversity levels are on the order of a decade or less (Tunnicliffe et al., 1997; Shank et al., 1998; Marcus et al., 2009). Biogeogr. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2010.02.002. Active positioning of vent larvae at a mid-ocean ridge. Therefore, the retrieved MAGs are repre-, : Table S6 and S10. and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai, Guangdong, Received: 3 March 2020 Accepted: 28 April 2020, Fox P, Normark W, Carranza A, Cordoba D. Massive deep-sea sulphide ore. deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise. A. Karson (Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union), 59–116. deposited in the NCBI GenBank under the project ID PRJNA557557. Vent species are distributed in discrete biogeographic provinces, each of which has a characteristic fauna (e.g., Moalic et al., 2012), and extends through all or part of an ocean basin. 2017;25:92, villosus sp. Mar. 28, 3–14. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the composition, metabolic functions, and succession of microbial Gobin, C., and da Fonseca, G. A. Deep Sea Res. Mar. A biogeographic network reveals evolutionary links between deep- sea hydrothermal vent and methane seep faunas. Monogr. 24, 673–689. The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improved, data processing and web-based tools. Res. Aquat. environments. Predicting RAD-seq marker numbers across the eukaryotic tree of life. In particular, the global distribution of vents is increasingly well characterized, and aspects of their dynamics are predictable from their tectonic and magmatic setting. Conse-, quently, at present, less is known about the changes, succession in the microbial communities that occur in, Here, a sulfide sample from actively venting chimney, (L-vent) and the other one from the inactive chimney, early 2014 from the hydrothermal vent field at 9, EPR. B Biol. The cyc2 gene showed increased expression in Fe(II)-amended incubations, with corresponding increases in carbon fixation and central metabolism gene expression. 137, 26–41. Ecol.-Prog. Fornari, D. J., and Embley, R. W. (1995). automated alignment trimming in large-scale phylogenetic analyses. Full-length 16S rRNA gene and a total of 173 high quality metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) were retrieved for comparative analysis. J. Geophys. “Tectonic and volcanic controls on hydrothermal processes at the mid-ocean ridge: an overview based on near-bottom and submersible studies,” in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Geological Interactions, eds S. E. Humphris, R. A. Zierenberg, L. S. Mullineaux, and R. E. Thomson (Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union), 1–46. doi: 10.1111/mec.13054, Herring, P. J., and Dixon, D. R. (1998). Genetic diversity and demographic instability in Riftia pachyptila tubeworms from eastern Pacific hydrothermal vents. Thus, we have introduced a new approach where human gene variants are explicitly incorporated into what we call 'network variants' in the recently released KEGG NETWORK database. using IDBA-UD (v1.1.3) with the following parameters: pre_correction, mink 52, maxk 92, step 8, and seed kmer, contigs respectively using bowtie2 (v2.2.8) with --very, and converted to bam using samtools (v1.3.1), and depth, of each contig was generated by using the, Full-length 16S rRNA genes were reconstructed from, clean reads of two metagenomes respectively by, EMIRGE (v0.60.4) with default parameters and, BLASTed against SILVA 123 SSURef_NR99 database, sequencing depth of taxonomically assigned 16S rRNA, Annotation and statistic comparison of functional genes, For contigs larger than 1 Kb, open reading frames, (ORFs) were predicted and translated by using, amino acid sequences were uploaded to webserver, GhostKOALA (KEGG Orthology And Links Annotation), in genus_prokaryotes + family_eukaryotes database with, checking, potential key genes involved in further analysis, were also annotated in eggNOG database through, emapper-eggnog (v0.0.1) as well as in Pfam 31.0, TIGR-, FAM 15.0, and custom databases via hmmsearch with, and their accession in different databases are listed in, To quantitatively compare key genes between the two, chimney samples, reads mapped to each gene were re-, cruited by using featureCounts (v.1.5.0) [, normalized by gene length, and the normalized relative, abundance of key genes was determined for two, Statistical tests of key genes involved in carbon, nitro-, gen, and sulfur metabolism between the two metagen-, omes were performed by pairwise comparisons of their, confidence intervals at 95% significance using the, Newcombe-Wilson method and Benjamini-Hochberg, important catalytic genes, their taxonomy was assigned, based on BLAST results in the NCBI NR database (up-, functional gene, taxonomic relative abundance is calcu-, lated based on the sum sequencing depth of genes with, same taxonomic assignment in the total depth of this, Phylogenetic analysis of functional genes, reduction of sulfate in sulfate-reducing microorganisms, or the reverse reaction in sulfide-oxidizing bacteria [, from the current study were aligned with all high-quality, database on July 2018 using MAFFT (v7.313) [, in the alignment were trimmed by the trimalAI (v1.4), genic tree was generated by using IQ-tree (v1.6.6) using, parameters: iqtree -m LG+C60+F+G -alrt 1000 -bb 1000, The binning method used here is modified from Wang, genomes were included to independently recover MAGs, using MetaBAT2 (v2.12.1) and Maxbin (v2.2.1) with de-, tamination of MAGs were estimated via CheckM, (v1.0.9) with lineage-specific markers genes [, different independent automated binning methods re-, constructed multiple similar MAGs from the same, microbial taxa, we here used a modified method de-, MAGs with identical taxonomic classification was com-, CheckM if integrated completeness and contamination.
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