ABRIKIAN . Principal of Enid Bennett High School in Bog Walk, St. Catherine, Patrick Phillips, has promised to put measures in place to improve discipline at the institution, adding that his school is not the only one where indiscipline has worsened. Office: 58a Half Way Tree Road, Kingston 10 Jamaica, W.I. Indiscipline has increased all across society, including church, school, police, parliament, and general governance. The information The study was a descriptive survey and the sampled size consisted of ten (10) teachers and sixty (60) students. Administrators, policy-makers, teachers, parents and the public at large have been struggling to find solutions to the problem of indiscipline in schools. In Jamaica, the school is recognized as a major socializing agent for children, and teachers are held in the highest esteem by families and children. Without discipline and prudence life can indeed become ‘nasty, brutish and short’. Photo retrieved from www.bogwalkhighschool.org. Indiscipline is the route to anarchy. Patrick Phillips, Principal of Enid Bennett High. “Rather than training the guidance counsellors, the deans of discipline and principals, we train the entire school in how to administer discipline in a positive way; even the ancillary staff,” he said. Other aspects of the model involve in-school suspension, as against sending students home for several days. “While these are serious, Cabinet should note that of the almost 700,000 students enrolled in Jamaican schools, only a fraction, including many teenaged girls, are involved in violent behaviour. schools had cases of pupil indiscipline. The purpose of this study was to explore the causes and effects of students’ indiscipline in Gumani Junior High School. Research shows that various discipline problems exist among primary . Curbing students' disruptive behaviours in Jamaican secondary schools: Author: Ezenne, Austin: Abstract: In recent years, the media have been reporting an increase in students' disruptive behaviours in secondary schools in Jamaica. Email: Send us your query Tel: 1 (876) 926-3590-4 1 (876) 926-3740-6. The ministry also said that within the past two months high school students have been at the centre of 12 violent crimes on compounds. These disruptive behaviours are many and varied and are causing serious concerns to all stakeholders in education. Jamaica has become a most undisciplined society with little regard for the rule of law. Stabbings, killings, weapons, assaults, fearful teachers and parents and a public in panic (in many areas) are features of life in many school communities. Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.6, No.22, 2015 65 and school administrators. the problem of school indiscipline seems to be no different. Thompson cited in Lochan (2010) states that administrators, teachers and parents have been struggling to find solutions to the problem. Screenshot from a video showing a Pembroke Hall High School teacher threatening to harm a student. Poor classroom control contributes to indiscipline published: Sunday | May 21, 2006. curb students’ indiscipline in school would be highly welcomed by the government, educators, parents, teachers . St. Catherine based teacher Rhonda Williams Cooke A St. Catherine based teacher has given a first hand account of the challenges she and her colleagues are experiencing dealing with indiscipline in the classroom. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE resolution practitioner Janilee Abrikian believes the incidence of violence in schools is being exaggerated, arguing instead, that better classroom management by teachers is needed to controlmisbehaviour by student. Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.7, No.6, 2016 165 school pupils in Kenya. The teaching
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